Chadian President, General Mahamat Idirs Derby Itno, Just Like Happened To His Father, Elevated To Rank Of Field Marshal Of Chad

Joe Dinga Pefok (Uncle Joe)December 23, 20249min1800

It’s all about an unbridled quest for self – aggrandizement, and the consolidation of the Idris Derby Itno Dynasty in Chad 

The 40 year old President of the Republic of Chad, General Mahamat Idris Derby Itno, has been elevated to the prestigious rank of Field Marshal of Chad (.Marechal du Chad). With this, he has completed the chapters in the play book of his late father, Marechal Idris Derby Itno, who was President of Chad, and which he has been following step – by – step.  It should be noted that Marechal as is known in France, Marshal as is known in Britain, or Field Marshal as is known in the United States of America, is a five star General, which is the highest rank in the military, in this world.

It should also be noted that when Marechal Idris Derby Itno was President of Chad, his son whom he made General, and who is today is President of Chad, was known as General Mahamat Derby Itno.  But when he died in April 2021 and his son unconstitutionally took over power, he added the name Idris to his official names, and has since been known as Mahamat Idiris Derby Itno.

End Of Military Cooperation Agreement With France

Meanwhile, it would be recalled that on November 28, 2024, the President of Chad, General Mahamat Idris Derby Itno, gained quite some popularity in the country in particular and across the African Continent in general, when his Government issued a communiqué, announcing an end to the controversial military cooperation between Chad and its former colonial master, France, that had all along been to the detriment of Chad.  The decision thus meant that France have to shut down its limitary bases in Chad. In fact French soldiers that were stationed at the French military bases in Chad have started leaving the country.

Meanwhile it would appear as if the President of Chad, General Mahamat Derby Itno, also had a plan under his sleeve to take advantage of the highly popular decision to end the military cooperation agreement between his country and France, and the euphoria that it generated in the country. He has, like his late father, made his elevation to the highest rank in the military, which is the highly dignified rank of ‘Marechal du Tchad’, that is, the Field Marshal of Chad.

Vote To Elevate President To Field Marshal

On December 10, 2024, while Chadians were still celebrating the end of the controversial military cooperation between Chad and France,  they were  informed by a Presidential Decree, No. 1822 / PR/ 2024 of 10 December 2024, that the President of the Republic has been elevated in dignity, to the post of MARECHAL (FIELD MARSHAL). The presidential decree was said to be in conformity with Resolution No, 004/CNT/ 2024 which was reportedly adopted by the National Transitional Council (‘Conseil Nationale de Transition’, CNT).

According to the said resolution, members of the CNT on December 9, 2024 voted by a large majority, to elevate the President of Chad, General Mahamat Idris Derby Itno, to the rank of ‘Marechal du Chad’, or Field Marshal of Chad.  160 members of the CNT, that is, 91.4 % allegedly voted in favour of the elevation, 2 members, that is, 1.1 % voted against, while there were 6 abstentions, that is, 3.4 %.

There has however been no official statement to explain why the National Transitional Council had to vote for the elevation of the President of Chad, General Mahamat Idirs Derby Itno, to the rank of a five star General or Field Marshal of Chad,  Of course without any surprise, the President’s supporters have been trying to say all sorts of things on the social media, in a desperate attempt to justify the unjustifiable elevation to  the rank of Field Marshal of Chad of  the President. Observers have no doubt that the whole thing was a mafia, and that President Mahamat Idris Derby Itno himself initiated the mafia.

Changes In The Formula Consecrated To Address The Head Of State

Meanwhile on December 13, 2024, the Director General of State Protocol in Chad, Saad Cherif Moussa, issued an official communiqué informing the public that following the elevation of the President of the Republic, Mahamat Idris Derby Itno, to the dignified rank of ‘Marechal’ (Field Marshal), there has thus been changes in the usage of the formula consecrated to address the Head of State.  In the new formula, civilians and the military will address the Head of State differently.

The Director General of State Protocol said the new formula by which civilians were to henceforth address the Head of State of Chad, is:  MARECHAL MAHAMAT IDRIS  DERBY ITNO, PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC, HEAD OF STATE (‘MARECHAL MAHAMAT IDIRS DERBY ITNO, PRESIDENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE, CHEF DE L’ETAT). As for members of the military (including the Forces of Law and Order), they will address the Head of State as: MARECHAL MAHAMAT IDRIS DERBY ITNO, PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC, HEAD OF STATE, COMMANDER –IN – CHIEF OF THE ARMED FORCES (‘MARECHAL MAHAMAT IDRIS DERBY ITNO, PRERSIDENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE, CHEF DE L’ETAT, CHEF SUPREME DES ARMEES).  Personality cult! Hummmmmm!  And then, President of the Republic, Head of State, all in one! Hummmmmm!

Also, just as the confusion that was created by his father who was passing for both a Civilian President and a top military officer at the same time, Mahamat Idris Derby Itno supposedly became a ‘Civilian President’ last May, but he would still dress in his military attire as a General, and visit Chadian troops on the frontline, either those fighting a rebel group in Northern Chad, or the terrorist group, Boko Haram, that a times makes incursions into Chad, from neighbouring Nigeria.

Enthronement Of The Field Marshal Of Chad

Meanwhile on Saturday, December 21, 2024, a big and colouful ceremony was organised by the State in Djamena, the Chadian capital.  The ceremony was the enthronement of President Mahamat Idris Derby Itno, to the rank of Field Marshal of Chad. The occasion was officially termed as enthronement, as the ‘Marechal du Chad’ (Field Marshal of Chad), is like the King of Chad.

  The Idris Derby Itno Dynasty In Chad

Marechal Mahamat Idris Derby Itno, President of the Republic, Head of State, Commander of the Armed Forces, has since coming to power through unconstitutional means in April 2001, following the death of his father, Marechal Idris Derby Itno, been closely following the father’s play book, and has now completed it by not only becoming a ‘Civilian President’ like his father did, but by also becoming Field Marshal of Chad as his father did. By these, he has also consolidated or solidified the Idris Derby Dynasty that his father created in Chad.

By Joe Dinga Pefok (Uncle Joe)


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