Author: Joe Dinga Pefok (Uncle Joe)


Joe Dinga Pefok (Uncle Joe)December 10, 202417min2380
The House of Chiefs was not initially in Biya Gov’t’s project to create Regional Councils Rev Father Tatah Mbuy in his book, “FONS OF ‘TRADTIONAL BAMENDA’ AND PARTISAN POLIITCS IN CONTEMPORARY CAMEROON”, explains how Fons functioned in the House of Chiefs in the days of West Cameroon But unlike the Fons  and Chiefs of yesterday, […]


Joe Dinga Pefok (Uncle Joe)December 10, 202415min2140
 After four years of existence of the Regional Assembly,  Fon Yakum is seemingly still to understand or accept that the Biya Gov’t – created House of Chiefs, is part of the Assembly, and NOT an independent Institution   NW Governor accuses the Vice President of the Northwest Regional Assembly who is the President of the […]


Joe Dinga Pefok (Uncle Joe)December 10, 20249min1760
The current President of Chiefs of the Southwest is Chief Moses Obenofunde, the President of the Southwest Chiefs Conference, SWECC. Since NOWEFU was grounded in 2018, the Northwest Fons have no association, and thus no legal leader If the Northwest Fons had an association, they would have used it to organize the first edition of […]


Joe Dinga Pefok (Uncle Joe)December 2, 202417min2190
This is the way the Cameroon Government was also supposed to treat Amity Bank. COMMERCIAL BANK CAMEROUN, CBC, which is one of the commercial banks in the country, was created by the Fotso Group whose founder was the business mogul and  multibillionaire, Fotso Victor, now of blessed memory. Since the Law does not permit that […]


Joe Dinga Pefok (Uncle Joe)December 2, 202413min2350
Chadian President, General Mahamat Derby Itno, explains to the media that the military cooperation agreement had become obsolete, and was bringing no added value to Chad But there is also the issue that the Chadian President was accused of ‘Biens Mal Acquis’ in France, and this strained the relationship between the two countries.   The Chadian […]


Joe Dinga Pefok (Uncle Joe)December 2, 202410min2030
Leader of civil society organization says the setting up of the Multi – Stakeholders Platform in Moloundou, is a turning point in the development of the locality WWF is accompanying the Moloundou  Council to set up the  platform, just like the organization earlier did  with the Mintom, Ngoyla and Yokadouma Councils   Moloundou which is […]


Joe Dinga Pefok (Uncle Joe)November 28, 202415min2640
  The reports have been presented to the Oslo District Court in Norway, by the Prosecution in the case against the incarcerated ADF leader The headline of the lead story of the French language daily newspaper, Emergence, on Monday, November 18, 2024, read: ‘Nord – Ouest: Une Dizaine  D’Etudiants Et Leurs Encadreurs Kidnappes’. This was […]

Joe Dinga Pefok (Uncle Joe)November 28, 20248min2420
MDR has been an ally of the ruling CPDM since 1992, when it saved Paul Biya’s party from becoming a minority in parliament There is a fierce leadership battle in the MDR Party, whose, Founding National President, Senator Dakole Daissala, a former member of Government, passed away in 2022. When Dakole Daissala died, one of […]


Joe Dinga Pefok (Uncle Joe)November 25, 202410min2200
 Their release of a video in which the DO of Idabato was subjected to severe torture, was a villainous strategy by the hoodlums to mount pressure on the DO’s family and sympathizers Cameroon Gov’t expresses “indignation at the extremely cruel physical abuse, heartless and degrading treatment to which this high – ranking public servant has […]


Joe Dinga Pefok (Uncle Joe)November 25, 202413min1960
Arrest of an alleged suspect in the abduction of the DO of Idabato Scandalously enough, the DO of Idabato in the Bakassi Peninsula, has no official residence There are indications that the Governor of the Southwest Region, Barnard Okalia Bilai, was apparently right when he declared that the pirates from neighbouring Nigeria that abducted Ewane […]

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Welcome to The Mentor, your trusted source for news about Cameroon and the world beyond. Founded by Joe Dinga Pefok, a seasoned journalist with a wealth of experience at The Post Newspaper, The Mentor is dedicated to providing insightful and reliable news coverage.





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