NTUMFOR BARRISTER NICO HALLE: On His Crusade For Peace And Justice, And His Fight Against Corruption, Hate Speech And Xenophobia

Joe Dinga Pefok (Uncle Joe)August 9, 202435min2540
Nico Halle


“Genuine Peace Does Not Exist In Isolation. There Has To Be The Platform Of CORE MORAL VALUES For Real Peace To Exist”


“Embezzlement Of Public Funds Is A Serious Crime Against The People And The Society”.

 The reputed peace, justice and anti – corruption crusader, NTUMFOR BARRISTER NICO HALLE, who is also very much engaged in the crusade against hate speech and xenophobia, has stressed the importance of peace to man, to the family, to the society and to the world at large.  He has recalled that his father told him that a man or family can have all the resources in the world, but if there is no peace, it is just like having nothing. Halle has stressed that peace is in reality the most precious thing to man, to a family, to a society or country, and to the world at large.

Ntumfor Halle was speaking on June 14, 2024 in Douala, when a group of journalists from Buea, Bamenda, Yaounde and Douala met him to talk about what inspired him to become a peace crusade, why he later brought onboard the crusade for justice as well as the anti – corruption crusade, and lastly the crusade against hate speech and xenophobia. He has been highly committed to these crusades for many years, and has been sacrificing so much of his time and financial resources.

The journalists were also interested to know from Ntumfor Halle what it takes to be a peace crusader of repute, and his advice to the many young people in the society who see him as a role model, and will want to be like him. It was as well an opportunity for the journalists to talk about the national and international awards that have been flowing to Ntumfor Halle over the years,  most of them  in relation to his crusades, and how he appreciates the awards as well as how they impact his crusades.  In fact the journalists sat down with the peace crusader of great repute and legal icon, Ntumfor Barrister Nico Halle, who is also a reputed Agent of Community Development and a Philanthropist, for them to make an appraisal or evaluation of his noble mission in peace crusading and others, that span over 30 years.

“I Was Inspired By My Father To Take Interest In Peace Crusading”

Ntumfor Barrister Nico Halle who took over 20 questions from the journalists, disclosed among other things that he was inspired by his father (now of blessed memory) to take interest in peace crusading. He said his father who was a Man – of – God, brought up his children in the fear of the Lord. Hear him: “As children, we did morning devotion at home each day, and my father will talk to us about the importance of love and peace to a family as well as to the society. He told us that peace is the most precious asset to a family and society. He encouraged us to strive to cultivate a culture of love and peace in the family and society, and told us that a man or a family can have all the resources in the world, but that if there is peace, the man or society in reality has nothing.” Nico Halle said as he was growing up as a child in Santa, as well as during the holiday periods when he would return home from school, he used to see his father go round the quarters and locality to preach love and peace, and also to try to reconcile brothers, friends and families that had fallen apart for one reason or the other. He said that so much inspired him.

Nico Halle said, thanks to the inspiration that he drew from his father, he did not only talk and practice peace, but also got into peace crusading at a young age, while still a student. He recalled with pride that throughout his life in secondary school, high school and university, he never fought with a mate or anybody, as is unfortunately common with many youths. “My father inculcated in me the spirit not only to talk peace, but above all to practice it. I grew up knowing that peace is the weapon of the strong, while violence is the weapon of the weak. Non-violence is peace”, he stated.  Worthy of note that Ntumfor Barrister Nico Halle who has read widely the works of prominent philosophers as well as prominent  world leaders  who were advocates of  NON VIOLENCE like Mahamat Ghandi and Martin Luther King, is a strong advocate of NON VIOLENCE in  the resolution of  conflicts or problems.

“We Should Not Only Talk Peace, But Practice Peace”.

Stressing on the importance of peace, Ntumfor Halle pointed out that talking peace is one thing, and practicing peace is another. He also explained that there is a difference between a semblance of peace which is fake peace, and genuine or real peace. The Peace Crusader regretted that the absence of genuine peace in many families as well as in the society today, is because many people talk peace, but in reality do not practice it. He said at meetings, at rallies, in the families, in speeches, in communiqués, in public declarations, at conferences, at the pulpits and so on, many people talk peace, but regretted that very few people practice peace. He asserted that quite a number of people who talk peace in public, unfortunately do not practice real peace themselves.  And so at the end of the day, there is perhaps just a semblance of peace (fake peace) in many families as well as in the society, with no real peace.

Ntumfor Halle reiterated his commitment to peace crusading in which he has been engaged for over three decades, assuring that nothing can stop him as he is doing God’s work. He asserted that the Lord Almighty stands for genuine love and peace in families and societies, and he (Halle) as a faithful servant of Lord, will never give up peace crusading as long as he lives. Halle stressed the fact that he gets all his strength for all what he is doing from the Lord Almighty, and that he gives thanks to the Lord for all the resources he puts in his noble mission to the glory of  the Lord. He declared that he has never received a franc from anybody, to assist in the peace crusade or the other crusades in which he has been engaged for years. It has all being a matter of selfless service to humanity and society. “Peace is my hallmark. Peace is my mantra. I will never stop crusading for peace as long as I live. I will only stop crusading for peace on the day the Lord will decide to call me home”, Halle stressed. Still stressing the importance of peace, Halle, recalled that the last thing or message Jesus Christ left with the disciples before ascending to Heaven, was PEACE.

“Peace Does Not Exist In Isolation”

Responding to the question on why he along the way in his peace crusading mission decided to also bring onboard the crusade for justice and a number of other values, Ntumfor Barrister Nico Halle explained that along the line he came to the conclusion that since genuine peace does not exist in isolation, to continue to crusade only for peace was unwise. He asserted that there are some core moral values that constitute the foundation of real peace in a society, and that genuine peace can only be guaranteed in the society if the people embrace the PLATFORM OF CORE MORAL VALUES.  He said core moral values include LOVE, JUSTICE, HONESTY, EQUITY, TRANSPARENCY, INTEGRITY, PATRIOTISM, ACCOUNTABLITY, and above all THE FEAR OF THE LORD.  The contrasts or opposites of these core moral values include injustice, bribery and corruption, embezzlement, hate, jealousy, dishonesty, unfairness, lying, being unpatriotic, inequality, lack of accountability, and so on.

Halle, a human rights defender, explained for example that peace and justice, just like peace and love, are interwoven. He asserted for example when there is no justice in a society, family or group, there can be no genuine peace in such a society, family or group, because injustice provokes indignation and frustration in victims, and  such a situation creates tension which is a threat to peace, and that can easily spark violence. He noted that when there is no love among members of in a society, family or group, the environment is not conducive for genuine peace, and violence can erupt at any time.

Ntumfor Halle stated that bribery and corruption creates a situation of injustice or unfairness in the society, as merit, fairness or fair play is thrown to dogs. He pointed out for example that bribery and corruption in recruitment, lead to those who merited the jobs based on their competence, being robbed of the opportunities. He said it is the same thing for example with competitive entrance examinations into professional schools, especially the prestigious ones.   Halle explained that the victims of the acts of corruption, will of course become bitter and frustrated, and cannot have kind words for those who caused the unfair situation. A situation that is not conducive for peace in the society, and a situation that can degenerate to violence.

“Embezzlement Of Public Funds Deprives The Population And Country Of Projects”

As for embezzlement of public funds, Ntumfor Halle stated that public funds in principle are supposed to be used by a government for the interest of the population and country, like in provision of basic social amenities such as pipe borne water, to the population. The Government is also supposed to use the public funds for development projects like road construction and so on. He said embezzlers of public funds deprive the population and country of these amenities, and that the suffering masses become angry and frustrated. He asserted that such a situation is not a conducive environment for peace in a society. He thus asserted that the embezzlement of public funds is not only a big crime, but that it creates an environment which seriously threatens peace in the society, and thus is a possible root cause of violence in a society or country.

“So when you embezzle public funds, you have impoverished the people. You have stolen from the people what rightly belongs to them all. You are a bandit. You are a criminal. Embezzlement of public funds which is the theft of the commonwealth is indeed a crime against the people, a crime against humanity, a country against the country.  I don’t have kind words for corrupt persons and embezzlers”, the anti – corruption crusader rightly declared.

Civil Servants Living In Arrogant Opulence

Going back to corruption which is a major crime in the society, Ntumfor Halle recalled with regret that Cameroon was twice classified as the most corrupt country in the world by the international anti – graft organization, Transparency International.  It was an unfortunate situation that damaged the image of the country, and certainly scared away some foreign investors. He cried out that corruption seems to have taken the country hostage. He said it is disgusting to find a civil servant who earns 300,000 FCFA a month for example, living in a state of arrogant opulence. He said it is uncommon to see a civil servant on a salary of 300. 000 FCFA or 400,000 FCFA come to Church, and proudly or arrogantly makes a donation of 1 million FCFA. “Where does the money come from”, Halle questioned.

Halle said that he did not mean that all civil servants are corrupt or are embezzlers, as there many ‘good eggs’ among the bad or unscrupulous civil servant.  He added that corruption and embezzlement do not only exist in the public sector, for the ills do also exist in the country’s private sector.

“Africa With Huge Natural Resources, Is Limping In Poverty”

Ntumfor Nico Halle regretted that with only a few exceptions, the general situation is the same across Africa, as corruption, embezzlement and bad governance, as well as exploitation by some unscrupulous foreigners or foreign groups with the complicity of unpatriotic citizens,  are rift in most of the countries. Halle cried out that Africa which is blessed with abundant natural resources, and is in fact supposed to be one of the richest continents in the world, is ironically enough instead a continent where the masses are dying of misery or poverty, because of corruption, embezzlement of public funds, bad governance, foreign exploitation, and lack of patriotism by some unscrupulous nationals. “I weep to see Africa limping in poverty”, he said.

The anti – corruption crusader urged sons and daughters of the African continent to strive to fight corruption and embezzlement of funds at their different levels in their different countries, for the interest of our beloved country and continent. “If you are not fighting against bribery and corruption, then you are encouraging it.  If you are not denouncing the embezzlement of public funds, then you are encouraging it. It is the same thing like with conflict. If you are silent when there is a situation of conflict, then you encourage it”, Halle declared.

 The Alarming Rate Of Hate Speech In The Society Today

Meanwhile as regard his campaign against hate speech, Ntumfor Halle noted that he brought onboard this issue just a couple of years ago. He recalled that though hate speech used to exist in Cameroon in the past, it was however at a lower level. He regretted that in recent years, and especially with the coming of the social media, the rate of hate speech in the society has become really alarming. He noted that hate speech as seen with cases across the country, is blended with tribalism, and it is a serious threat to peaceful coincidence and peace in general in our society. He said such a hate speech can easily degenerate and spark violence. Halle said the growing and alarming rate of hate speech in our society, indicates the increasing absence of love and fair play in our society. He partly attributed the hate speech in the country to political manipulation by some unscrupulous political elites.

Political Elites And Hate Speech

As to how the alarming rate of hate speech in our society can be curbed, Ntumfor Barrister Nico Halle, whom it should be noted is also a member of the National Commission for the Promotion of Bilingualism and Multiculturalism, appointed by the President of the Republic, said it require the intensification of sensitization campaigns against hate speech. He added that besides sensitization, there is need for an effective implementation of the December, 2019 Presidential Decree. That was signed by HE Paul Biya. The decree among other things spelled out that sanctions should to be slammed on persons guilty of making or propagating hate speech. Halle insisted that political elites in particular, should not only condemn hate speech and preach peaceful coexistence in public, but should also show the practical examples. That is, leading by examples. It should be noted that many observers in Cameroon, blame the increasing rate of hate speech in the country, on some political elites who use tribalism and hate speech to manipulate their people for their selfish ends. In public, those unscrupulous political elites condemn hate speech and preach peaceful coexistence, but behind the scene they do the contrary.

 Root Causes Of Hate Speech

The crusader against hate speech and xenophobia, Ntumfor Halle, also   pointed out that one other major cause of hate speech in the society is bitterness and frustration as result of poverty, deprivation, hardship, tribalism, nepotism, favouritism, exclusion, and so on. He pointed out for example that no hungry man,  a man  living in misery, or a man facing hardship because of the state of the country’s economy, can have kind words for embezzlers of State funds or for corrupt and unpatriotic government officials. Embezzlers of State funds and corrupt government officials are considered as partly responsible for the poor state of the country’s economy, and thus partly culpable for the hardship the population is facing.  Ntumfor Halle thus asserted that the best way to effectively tackle hate speech in a society is to start by honestly identifying the root causes of the hate speech, and then effectively tackle them by applying appropriate solutions to those root causes.

Xenophobia – Another Category Of Hate     

As regard xenophobia which is another category of hate, it is about the hatred of foreigners. Ntumfor Halle who as well is a crusader against xenophobia, explained that xenophobia being another category of hate, it is a good idea to campaign against both hate speech and xenophobia at the same time. He explained that the frustration of the masses due to the to the difficult economic times they are facing, can easily spill over to xenophobia, as some of the hungry and frustrated nationals might tend to see some foreigners as also being the cause of their situation.  THE MENTOR sees a typical example of this type of situation in South Africa, where xenophobia often runs riots in the streets with physical attacks on some foreigners. It is no secret.   There are quite a number of black South Africans, who think that foreigners from some other African countries take their jobs, and thus want them to leave. The South African Government has been trying to fight against xenophobic attacks, but unfortunately the evil keeps up reeling its ugly head from time to time.

“I Do Face Challenges, But — – – -“

Meanwhile when a journalist at the June 14 occasion asked Ntumfor Barrister Nico Halle whether he does faces obstacles or challenges in his advocacy, he said that that obstacles or challenges cannot be absent, and added that there is nothing surprising about that. He said if somebody has to fight against bribery and corruption, embezzlement for example, he cannot expect those who benefit from these vices to be happy with him. Ntumfor Halle however would not get into any details as regard the obstacles or challenges he faces in his advocacy, saying simply that God has given him the courage and stamina to stand the challenges.

Advice To Young People Interested In Peace Crusading 

As to what advice he has for young people who see him as their role model and will like to become peace crusaders like him, Ntumfor Barrister Nico Halle said besides striving to live their lives in the fear of the Lord, they should be humble, hardworking, and be prepared to make sacrifices. He said they should above all not only preach peace, but practice peace. He said to practice peace also means living an exemplary life or teaching by examples. He also stressed that such persons should have true love for humanity, for peace crusading is first of all for humanity. Halle pointed out that nobody will take somebody passing for a peace crusader seriously, if people see that the man does not first of all have peace in his house or family, that the person fights, that the person insults people, that the person is corrupt, that the person is an embezzler, that the person is somebody who supports injustice when it favours him or his tribe, and so on. He asserted that a person who supports injustice for whatever reason is against justice, and that injustice is a major threat to peace.

Why Ntumfor Halle Insist To Receive Awards In Public

It should be noted that Ntumfor Barrister Nico Halle has over the years received a record total of over 180 awards both internationally and locally in recognition of the tremendous works and relentless efforts he is making in different domains, especially in peace crusading.  At the June 14, 2024 event, journalists asked why Ntumfor Halle always insists to receive awards given to him in the country, publicly. In respond, Halle said an award is not supposed to be a secret affair, or else it becomes suspicious. He disclosed for example that there are times that he has travelled to Yaounde for example, and some people would call to say that they are coming to Hilton Hotel where he lodges, to hand him an award.  He said his question would normally be why they want to come and hand him an award in a hotel room. He said such an award to him is suspicious.

Ntumfor Halle explained that he insist on receiving an award publicly, so that those giving the award should tell the public why the award, or better still, why they think he deserves the award.  Halle recalled that he has rejected a total of over a dozen awards, because he suspected that there were strings attached to them. He stressed that he does not pay a franc for an award or title, and will never do so. Halle even questioned why on earth he should pay for an award or title. “I am not a politician. I am not campaigning or preparing for an election. I am not lobbying for any appointment. I am a lawyer by profession, and that is what puts food on the table for me, and not a title”, he bluntly stated.

Halle however humbly expressed deep appreciation for all the awards he has received, asserting that the awards are not only a recognition for what he is doing or have done, but  as well serve as encouragement to him to continue in his  noble mission of peace crusading and others. Ntumfor Halle who also received quite a number of titles over the years, disclosed that besides the awards and titles, he has also over the years received many  letters containing messages of encouragement from persons at home and aboard, and that he is grateful for all that.

Ntumfor Nico Halle’s Unlimited Generosity

Ntumfor Halle’s love for humanity is among other ways, manifested by his generosity, his largesse.  Also, his generosity knows no bound. Halle does not consider relationship, tribe, region, religion, nationality, sex or colour before helping an individual or group.   There are many people he helps without even knowing them. A journalist at the June 14 event could not help asking Ntumfor Halle why his constant largesse.  Halle is his response started by saying that a kind hearted person does not give because he has much, but because he believes it is good to share. He noted that there are billionaires in the society who don’t care about others. Halle said as a child of God, he has that spirit of sharing, and will continue to do so.  “When God blesses you, you should use what the Lord has blessed you with, to bless another person, to put a smile on somebody’s face”,Nico Halle said.

Two More Awards For Ntumfor Barrister Nico Halle

Meanwhile two more awards were presented to Ntumfor Barrister Nico Halle, during the meeting he had with the group of visiting pressmen and women on June 14. Worthy of note that the two awards came on the heel of the historic quadruple award ceremony which took place in Douala on April 19, 2024, chaired by a reputed Priest of the Archdiocese of Bamenda, Rev Father Tatah Mbuy, and attended among others dignitaries by the Fon of Awing, HRM Fozo’o II.  During that April 19 event, a total of four awards were presented to Ntumfor Halle, one of which came from the Awing Palace. It was a Royal Recognition by the Fon of Awing, His Majesty, Fon Fozo’o II, as appreciation for the huge inputs that Halle made towards development as well as the social and cultural uplifting of the Awing Fondom or village, during the period he was the National President of the Ndong Awing Cultural and Development Association, NACDA.  This is just a reminder that all the awards that have been presented to Ntumfor Halle, have not been in connection with his crusading mission.  Some have been for what he has been doing as an Agent of Community Development, a Philanthropist, a Legal Icon, a Dedicated Christian, among other things.

Meanwhile the quadruple award event of April 19, 2024 took the total number of awards received by Ntumfor Halle to 182. Thus the two more awards that entered the Ntumfor Award Gallery on June 14, 2024, raised the total number of awards received by Nico Halle to 184. Waoooooooh!

 Award For Exceptional Service And Steadfastness

One of the two awards received by Ntumfor Halle and presented at the June 14 meeting with the press, came from the Congregational Youth Choir of the Bonaberi – Douala Congregation, Mungo Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon, PCC. The message on the Certificate of Recognition read: “This Certificate is awarded to: Ntumfor Barrister Nico Halle, in recognition of your exceptional service and steadfastness in fostering the mission and vision of the Congregational Youth Choir. Your tireless dedication, commitment and hard work have made a significant difference, and we are honoured to recognize and acknowledge your contribution”. The Congregational Youth Chair quoted Numbers 6: 24 – 26: “The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord makes His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you praise”.


The other recognition that Ntumfor Nico Halle received at the June 14, 2024 occasion, was the “MAN OF THE DECADE” award from the Life Time Media Group. A “Life Time Achievement Award For Nation Builders, GOLD CATEGORY, 2023 / 2024 Edition, IN RECONGNITION OF MERIT TO NTUMFOR NICO HALLE AS MAN OF THE DECADE”. The CEO of Life Time Media Group, Tim Finnian, who travelled to Douala from Bamenda to present the award to the laureate, Ntumfor Barrister Nico Halle, in his address gave the justification of the award to the legal luminary.

The CEO said that: “Ntumfor has been relentless in promoting the CULTURE OF GOOD GOVERNANCE, ACCOUNTABILTY, TRANSPARENCY, and above all in the DEFENCE and PROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS. For the past decade, Ntumfor has been consistently using the legal profession as a vehicle for change. As a proponent of pro-bono legal services in Cameroon since the 90s, Ntumfor has been advancing the community courses. By helping people freely in the communities in which they come in conflict with the Law, Ntumfor since understood this responsibility to give voice to those who would not otherwise have access to the Law, or the ability to champion the cause of justice. He has been reconciling Fons, journalists, lawyers, and individuals in society. More importantly, he has been promoting JUSTICE and PEACE as the only way to resolve the ongoing conflict in the two English speaking regions of Cameroon”.

The CEO of Life Time Media Group, Tim Finnian, also recalled that following the outbreak of the Anglophone Crisis, the Peace Crusader, Ntumfor Halle, used his personal funds as usual, and took the risk to travel to the two English speaking regions of the country, that is, the Northwest and Southwest Regions, to meet stakeholders. Worth noting that since then Nico Halle has continued to preach the importance of Peace and Love in the society, emphasizing on the fact that Cameroonians should not only talk peace, but should  above all strive to practice peace which is supposed to be the MOST PRECIOUS THING for any family and  society. He has also been emphasizing the fact that Peace and Justice, go hand -in -hand.

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