Even The Constitution Of FECAFOOT Marginalizes The Regional Leagues Of Anglophones Regions

Joe Dinga Pefok (Uncle Joe)July 13, 20247min2470


Even The Constitution Of FECAFOOT Marginalizes The Regional Leagues Of Anglophones Regions

While 5 regions, that is, the Centre, Littoral, North and West, and even Far North have two representatives each in the Executive Committee of FECAFOOT, Northwest and Southwest Regions have only one representative each

Yes, even the current Constitution of the Cameroon Football Federation that was adopted by the General Assembly of the FECAFOOT on July 13, 2021 when Seidou Mbombo Njoya was President of FECAFOOT, marginalizes the Northwest and Southwest Regional Leagues. According to Article 35 of the FECAFOOT Constitution, the Executive Committee of the Federation is comprised of 20 members, with 15 of the members being representatives of the 10 regional leagues. It is also stated in the Article 35 how the 15 seats are shared out to the 10 regional leagues.
In the sharing of the 15 seats to the 10 regional leagues, regional leagues have been divided into two categories of five leagues each. The Centre, the Far North, the Littoral, the North and the West Regional Leagues have two representatives each, in the Executive Committee of FECAFOOT. On the other hand, the Adamawa,, East, Northwest, South and Southwest Regional League have one representative each. So the two Anglophone Regions are in the category that of clubs with one seat only in the Executive Committee of FECAFOOT.
As for the other five seats in the Executive Committee of FECFOOT, they are for the representatives of football professional league, women football, and others. All the current five representatives are Francophones.
Then the lone representative of the Southwest Regional League in the Executive Committee of FECAFOOT, Henry Njalla Quan Jr, has been forced to quit FECAFOOT. This means that there is presently only Anglophone in the Executive Committee of FECAFOOT headed by Samuel Eto’o.. That is the representative of the Northwest League, Mbigha Njah Felix.

Northwest Football Clubs

The Northwest Region has regularly had two First Division Clubs since the 80s, with PWD and Cammark Bamenda. Before then, it was PWD Bamenda alone since 70s, or even since the late 60s. Meanwhile after Cammark disappeared, Kumbo Strikers appeared. After Kumbo Strikers too disappeared, Yong Sports appeared, and has stayed on till date. PWD Bamenda has emerged champion of First Division Championship, and has won the cup of Cameroon. It is presently again in the final of this year’s Cup of Cameroon, The Northwest regularly has clubs in the MTN Elite 2. Bafmeng Unitd FC has jjust joined the Elite 2. The Northwest Second Division Championship functions regularly. There are also the Third Division Leagues.

Southwest Football Clubs

Southwest Region has also being a power house in Cameroon football for several years. Southwest Region has over the years had many First Division Clubs. Prison Buea of the Ewunkems, PWD Kumba, Tiko United, Elecsport Limbe, Mount Cameroon FC, and of course Victoria United (OPOPO) that has just returned to where it rightly belongs, MTN Elite 1, having emerged this year’s champion of MTN Elite 2. Southwest regularly has clubs in MTN Elite 2. Last Sunday, July 30, 2023, another Southwest Club, Isle of Hope Sports Academy, ISOHSA FC of Limbe, emerged Champion of the 2023 Interpools, and has moved up to the MTN Elite 2. This is also a reflection of what the Southwest Second Division Championship is. The Southwest Second Division Championship has over years been reputed for being one of the biggest, one of the most highly competitive, and one of the most entertaining Second Division Championship in the country.

Gross Injustice To Anglophones

The question here is about the criteria that FECAFOOT used in Article 35 of its Constitution, to decide which regional leagues should have two seats, and which ones should have only one seat each, in the Executive Committee. How come about that Far North Regional League of all, have two representatives in the Executive Commitee of FECAFOOT, while he Northwest and Southwest Regional Leagues have only one each?
At the FECAFOOT elections in 2021, some people even protested that the Far North Regional League should not send delegates to the Federation’s national elections in Yaounde, because the Second Division Championship in that 2021 did not effectively function. The only football club in the Far North Region that many people knew at one time was Kohi Maouna.
Again, how come about that the three Northern Regions have a total of 5 seats in the Executive Committee of FECAFOOT, while the two Anglophone Regions have barely two? Furthermore, what is the justification that West Regional League or North Regional League should have 2 representatives in the Executive Committee of FECAFOOT, and Northwest Regional League has one?

FECAFOOT Should Modify The Controversial Article 35

This is a serious issue of gross injustice against the two Anglophone Regions. Here is an important issue that the officials of the Northwest and Southwest Regional Leagues would have stood up to fight that justice be done, and that the marginalization of is admissible. Instead they silent and their voices are only heard when it comes to sending motions of support.
This is an issue that the General Assembly of FECAFOOT can handle. The General Assembly can modify that controversial Article 35 of the Federation’s Constitution. The number members of the Executive Committee of FECAFOOT can be raised from 20 to 22, and one seat each added to Northwest and Southwest Regional Leagues. Justice would have done to the two Anglophone Regions.

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