At Ceremony To Present Quadruple Awards To Ntumfor Barrister Nico Halle: REV. FATHER TATAH MBUY Talks On, “The Genuine Intellectual In Search And Defense Of The Truth”

Joe Dinga Pefok (Uncle Joe)April 5, 202429min2470
Ntumfor Halle

At Ceremony To Present Quadruple Awards To Ntumfor Barrister Nico Halle:

REV. FATHER TATAH MBUY Talks On, “The Genuine Intellectual In Search And Defense Of The Truth”

Says According To PROF BERNARD FONLON, The Genuine Intellectual Is Not Only About Certificates

That A Genuine Intellectual Is A Man Who Has “The Moral Probity To Investigate The Truth, Speak The Truth, And Defend The Truth, Even In The Face Of The Most Acidic Criticism”


The Priest Regrets That We Live In An Era When Lying Has Become Part Of Our Modus Vivendi

NTUMFOR BARRISTER NICO HALLE Says What Defines A Man Is Not Riches Or The Number Of Awards He Receives, But The Spiritual Impact He Makes On Society

A renowned prolific writer with over 20 books to his credit, REV FATHER TATAH MBUY, who is a Catholic Priest of the Archdiocese of Bamenda and is also of Catholic Communication in Yaounde, has stated that the celebrated and erudite PROF BERNARD NSO’KIKA FONLON (now of blessed memory), asserted that a genuine intellectual is not all about the university decrees that someone acquires. Rather, that a genuine intellectual should in addition be a man who has the moral probity to investigate the truth, speak the truth, and defend the truth, even in the face of the most acidic criticisms being made against him by whosoever.
Tatah Mbuy made the reference to Bernard Fonlon;’s view in a talk he gave titled: “The Genuine Intellectual In Search And Defense Of The Truth (A Cross –Disciplinary Reflection On Behalf Of Sir, Nico Halle, Barrister at Law”. The occasion was the presentation of quadruple awards to the reputed and outspoken crusader for peace and justice, Ntumfor Barrister Nico Halle, who is also a crusader against corruption, embezzlement of public funds, hate speech and xenophobia, as well as an international election observer and election expert. The event took place in the ultramodern conference room of the Nico Halle & Co Law Firm at Bonaberi, Douala, on Friday, April 19, 2024.

Prof Fonlon’s Article That Became An International Reference Document

Rev Father Tatah Mbuy revisited an article on the question, Who Is A Genuine Intellectual, which was written by the venerable Prof Bernard Fonlon, meant to be his academic testament: “To Every African Freshman. The Nature, Purpose and End of University Studies”. The article was originally published in No. 26 of the Cameroon Culture Review ABBIA of 1972. Tatah Mbuy stated that the article was treasured by scholars across the board, as well as respected as the fruit of a very fertile brain worried about the quality of what African universities are producing today in the name of intellectuals. He said on popular demand, Buma Kor published Fonlon’s article as a book in 1978 entitled: The Genuine Intellectual. He noted that copies of the book ran out, but that there were hardly reprints until 2009 when the Langaa Research and Publishing Common Initiative Group published and put it out on Amazon and other online outlets as: Genuine Intellectuals, Academic and Social Responsibilities of Universities in Africa.

Who Is A Genuine Intellectual?

Rev Tatah Mbuy posed the question as to Who Is A Genuine Intellectual, and found an apt response in Prof Fonlon’s great article that was later transformed into a book titled, The Genuine Intellectual. He explained that Fonlon in the work was clear that the basic, and perhaps the sole role of an intellectual, is to search for, acquire, spread and defend the truth, by using the scientific method, and by putting his specialized knowledge to the benefit of the commonwealth. The Priest said according to Fonlon: “If a man were so articulate that he could speak all languages including Estruscan; if this man were so intelligent that he could square a circle; and if he were so learned that his qualifications took half the letters of the alphabet, But if this did not have the moral probity to investigate the truth, speak the truth and defend it even in the face of the most acidic criticism, such a man remains an ignoramus”.

Four Qualities Of A Genuine Intellectual

Tatah Mbuy said that in the mind of Prof Bernard Fonlon, there are primarily four qualities of genuine intellectual. “First, the genuine intellectual relentlessly seeks the truth. Second, he acquires truth by scientific method. Third, he is ready to spread and defend the truth even at his own peril. Fourth, a genuine intellectual puts his knowledge at the service of the common good”.
The Man –of –God asserted that the peace and justice crusader, Nico Halle, who as aforementioned is also a crusader against corruption, embezzlement, hate speech and xenophobia, and on whom he conferred the tile of Sir on that April 19, qualifies as a genuine intellectual in all aspects. “Sir Nico Halle has earned respect and foes and friends alike as a peace crusader, not because he knows and talks much about peace, but because he realizes that peace is not just a slogan that can be wished onto existence. It is a virtue that has to be cultivated and carefully conjugated with the grammar of justice”.

“ There Can Be No Peace Without Justice ”

Tracing the origin of the slogan, “No Justice, No Peace”, that peace crusaders across the world propagate, Rev Father Tatah Mbuy recalled that from November 1, 1955 to April 30, 1975, America engaged in an unpopular and costly war in Vietnam. He stated that between 1965 and 1968 in particular, many American citizens staged anti – war demonstrations in cities across the United States of America, and some were arrested and imprisoned. “On 14 January 1968, the famous American Baptist Pastor and Civil Rights Activist, the very Rev. Dr Martin Luther King Jr visited those who were imprisoned in the Santa Rita Jail, California. There, he drew an explicit parallel between the anti – war movement and the Civil Rights Movement, and he told both the Prison authorities and the prisoners that: There Can Be No Peace Without Justice”, Rev Tatah Mbuy recalled. He said since that day, the phrase, “No Justice, No Peace”, has become the conviction of most peace crusaders.
Rev Tatah Mbuy as well recalled that the civil rights activist, Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated because of his crusade for the civil and equal rights of all Black Americans. But he pointed out that though Dr King Jr did not live long to see the fruit of his conviction, it did bore fruit on January 20, 2009, when Barack Obama took oath at the Capitol as the 44th President of the United States of America. He noted that one of those who wept openly at the ceremony was another civil rights crusader, the Very Reverend Jessie Jackson, who was with Martin Luther King Jr.

A Genuine Intellectual Does Not Look At What He Stands To Gain As An Individual

The Catholic Priest stressed that a Genuine Intellectual does not therefore, look at what he stands to gain as an individual, but rather looks beyond himself to the commonwealth. He said a Genuine Intellectual follows the truth. Tatah Mbuy asserted that Nico Halle’s peace and justice crusading mission is not for himself, but rather for the society and humanity. The Priest said that Sir Nico Halle is definitely conscious of the fact the positive results of some of the crusades he has embarked on in a difficult society like ours, might take long to come, and that some of the fruits might even come when he is no longer there. But he reiterated that as a Genuine Intellectual, Nico Halle knows that his crusades are for the interest of society and humanity, and not for himself.
Tatah Mbuy said it is likely to be the same thing with the Ntumfor Barrister Nico Halle Award Gallery. The Priest said many people might not see the importance of the gallery today, but expressed the conviction that in some years to come, many people will come to realise the importance, and will be streaming in from far and wide to visit the historic gallery.

Rev Tatah Mbuy’s Definition Of The Truth

It should first of all be noted that coincidentally or so, invitees to the April 19, 2024 Quadruple Award Event in Douala, were all people who in Cameroon are considered as intellectuals, considering their educational backgrounds. The very rich or educative presentation by the erudite Rev Tatah Mbuy, was often interrupted with ovations and positive comments.
But Tatah Mbuy’s definition of what Truth is, left many people in the conference room that was jammed to capacity, staring at each other. The erudite Priest noted that there are many learned and articulate definitions of the Truth. He however said that simply put: “THE TRUTH IS THAT WHICH CANNOT NOT BE”. That in reality was not the simple definition of the Truth, and though the priest repeated the definition when he saw many people staring at him, it was not certain that many understood what he meant. More so, he would not be more explicit.

Lies –Telling Has Become Order Of The Day In Society

Meanwhile, Tatah Mbuy regretted that we unfortunately live in an era when lying has become part of our modus vivendi, so much so that it has become part of our culture. “So people neither care about what the Truth is, as long as the reality can benefit them. Hence our society has so relativized Truth that even ‘fake’ or ‘deep’ news have become the order of the day”, the Priest wept.

Five Dogmas About Truth

Rev Tatah Mbuy said the Genuine Intellectual believes in five dogmas of Truth. “First, the Truth does not depend on the democratic principle of majority – because there is no harm in being right alone. That is why the Genuine Intellectual is convinced about what is right, not what the majority thinks”, the Priest explained. Tatah Mbuy recounted what happened to a genuine intellectual, Sir Thomas More, who was Grand Chancellor of King Henry VIII of England. He was stripped of his title, imprisoned and later killed in the Tower of London, because he stood alone for the Truth.
Tatah Mbuy recalled that when the friends of Sir Thomas More visited him in prison, and tried to convince him to join then in their lying so as to be liberated, he asked: “And on the Judgment Day, when you are rewarded for having followed your conscience, and I am punished for having not followed mine, will you also come with me for the sake of friendship”. He said to Sir Thomas More it was a matter of conscience. He had a conscience, and so would not join his friends who in reality had no conscience to tell lies. He asserted that to a Genuine Intellectual, the dogma is sincerity and fidelity to a well formed conscience.
Meanwhile as regard the second dogma of Truth, Tatah Mbuy explained that next to the inalienable rights to life, the human being has a right to the Truth. “Therefore, anyone who lies neither respects others, nor does he respect his own dignity. And once a human being has reached the level where human dignity and sacredness mean nothing, then, nothing matters anymore. In fact, if you find a human being who no longer has the sense of decency and guilt, run away”, he advised.

Truth Is Eternal, And Can Never Be Hidden Or Destroyed

Rev Father Tatah Mbuy said the third dogma of Truth, is that it is Eternal, and can never be hidden or destroyed. As the adage goes, Truth always prevail at the end, no matter how long it takes. “When we think we have covered up the Truth, it comes staring back at us, because whatever we do, we cannot cheat nature and the human conscience which is the voice of God in each of us. Those who know the story of Shakespeare’s tragedy of Macbeth, will understand that the Truth keeps haunting us until it is released”, he pointed out.
As regard he forth dogma of Truth, Tatah Mbuy said it is the fact that all Truth originates from God who is the Truth (Jn 16:4). He asserted that: “The fear of God is the beginning of all wisdom. Every genuine intellectual knows that, his intellect like every human capacity is limited by space and time. Hence his intellect, no matter how sharp it is, it has its inelastic limit and must submit to a higher human capacity called Faith, A human being who foolishly claims that there is NO God, and thus does not respect basic moral and divine principles, is a living contradiction. A human life without God is both meaningless and absurd”.
As for the fifth and last dogma of Truth, Rev Tatah Mbuy said Truth is Objective and not dependent on what anyone thinks. Hear him: “The Truth is scientific, which means it is factual and can be used as a principle, not a hypothesis. Aware of the relativism and secularism that has taken over our modern world, the Saintly Pope John Paul II, made public an Encyclical on 6 August, 1993 entitled Veritatis Splendor – The Beauty of the Truth. A soul that is incorruptible, people of steel and metal, and those who value integrity and their own dignity, know that there are some fundamental and non – negotiable facts of life which call for instinctive ethical and moral respect. The world can say what it wants and act the way it chooses, the Truth for the genuine intellectual is paramount”.

“Lies End Up Destroying The Liar”

Tatah Mbuy truly remarked that many people get into problems and suffer, largely because they are afraid to face the truth about themselves and their society. He reminded people of what Jesus said: Only the Truth can set us free (Et Veritas Liberabit Vos). He cautioned that lies always end up destroying the liar, no matter how long it takes. “For the Genuine Intellectual, acquisition of the Truth is supreme. What the Angelic Doctor, Thomas Aquinas, borrowing from the ancient Greek Philosophers, called the Summum Bonum. That is why to achieve the truth, we do not just accept whatever we hear or see. We need to critically assess situations and facts before us”, the Priest insisted.

The Genuine Intellectual And Critical Consciousness

One other sub topic that Rev Father Tatah Mbuy treated in his much educative talk was, The Genuine Intellectual And Critical Consciousness. He said the Genuine Intellectual acts by way of critical consciousness. The Genuine Intellectual goes beyond the narrative of what lies beyond and between the texts. “We are dealing with human beings; the only animal that has reason, the only animal that can pretend. Therefore, the Genuine Intellectual is aware that there is so much that is never said, but which is implied. Furthermore, all that glisters is not always gold; all that we see is not necessarily what is”, he pointed out.
Rev Tatah Mbuy recalled that in the 1970s when most of Latin America was scandalously under the grip of dictators, rich landowners and powerful multinational companies, the vast majority wallowed in abject poverty and misery. He said many different approaches were taken to address the situation, including activists who found a justification for the violence and war. “But the Brazilian Pedagogue, Paolo Freire, was convinced that the problem of the oppressed did not lie solely on the oppressor, BUT MUCH MORE ON THE IGNORANCE OF THE VICTIMS WHO SO ACCEPTED THEIR SITUATION, THAT THEY WERE RESIGNED TO LIFE OF SLAVERY AND SUPPRESSION. THEY HAD BEEN OPPRESSED TO THE POINT THAT THEY WERE NOW AFRAID OF THEIR NATURAL RIGHT TO FREEDOM AND OWNERSHIP OF PROPERTY. And this was their greatest poverty and suffering”, the Priest said.

A Pedagogy Of The Oppressed

Tatah Mbuy went on the say that after carefully studying the situation in Latin America, Paolo Freire suggested, A Pedagogy Of The Oppressed, the title of a book which he first published in Portuguese in 1967, and was translated into English in 1970. He said Freire first of all rejected all violence as a further destruction of human dignity. “The real pedagogy lay in raising awareness or bringing people to such consciousness that they could critically analyse their situation themselves, so as to deal critically with reality and discover how to participate in the transformation of their world”, he further explained.
The Catholic Priest also made reference to the Algerian–born French Philosopher, Albert Camus, whom he recalled published a novel in 1951 entitled ‘L’homme Revolte’ (the Rebel). Tatah Mbuy said the author pointed out that the difference between a Rebel and a Coward lies in the conviction that the Rebel is not prepared to sell his birth right because he is conscious that we are all equal, while the Coward is ready for a few slices of meat to sell his conscience. He noted that every genuine intellectual is a “Rebel” in the sense in which Camus uses the term.

Conclusion Of The Talk

In concluding his very frank, thought – provoking and interesting talk on, The Genuine Intellectual In Search And Defense Of The Truth, at the April 19 grand event, Rev Father Tatah Mbuy said there are three important things to remember. “Firstly, that we need Genuine Intellectuals; people who passionately seek the Truth, propagate and are ready to defend it even at the risk of their lives. Secondly, that we have an inalienable right to the Truth, and that only the Truth will set us free. And lastly, that If we want to live valuable lives, we need to go beyond the superficial and live with an attitude of critical consciousness”, the Catholic Priest emphasised in conclusion.

“If You Know Christ, You Will Know The Truth”

Meanwhile in his reaction, thanking Rev Father Tatah Mbuy for having honoured his event with the frank and brilliant talk, the reputed crusader for peace and justice, Ntumfor Barrister Nico Halle, stressed the importance of Truth, and thus the importance or need for people to strive to always stand for the Truth no matter the consequences. “Truth builds and Truth sets us free. If you know Christ, you will know the Truth”, he said. Halle regretted that there is unfortunately a lot of lies telling in the society, and that some people tell lies because they naively think that they benefit from the lies telling, while there are some other people who tell lies because they are afraid to tell the truth. “Fear is one of the greatest set back of humanity”, Halle stated.
The no –nonsense Ntumfor Barrister Nico Halle, said while it is true that there is a risk of victimization and even more for people like him who stand for the Truth in a society that is suffering from moral bankruptcy, he will never twist his tongue for any reason whatsoever. It should be noted for example that Barrister Nico Halle who was designated and presented to the public, as the Ambassador (messenger) and Spokesperson of Northwest Fons by the entirety of the Fons under their association, later suffered victimizations masterminded by a few Fons with the complicity of some Northwest political elites, because he defied all odds and stood for the Truth, and insisted for accountability and transparency in the management of funds that got into the coffer of the Fons’ Union for some projects.
But the outspoken Nico Halle has always insisted that he has no regrets whatsoever that he stood for the Truth, even though he became a target of witch hunting. Rather he always asserts that if somebody has to stand for the Truth and crusade for accountability and transparency in the management of funds, he must bear in mind that those who don’t want the Truth to be known, will certainly not be happy with him, and might come after him.“ As for me, I never have kind words for people who lie”, Halle reiterated.

“Riches And Awards Do Not Define A Man”

Ntumfor Nico Halle reiterated at the April 19, 2024 event in Douala, that he will strive to always stand for Truth, no matter the consequences, He agreed with Rev Father Tatah Mbuy that he has both friends and foes because of his peace and justice crusading mission, as well as his crusade against corruption and embezzlement. As regard the foes, Halle repeated that he has no regrets or apology, and that he will continue in his mission unperturbed. Halle who is a devoted Christian, said he does everything in the fear of the Lord, and that God is his guide or protector.
Like in all his speeches, Nico Halle laid emphasis on the importance for people to embrace Core Moral Values which include love, peace, justice, transparency, accountability, humility, goodness, honesty, kindness and above all the fear of the Lord. He said the platform of Core Moral Values is the best foundation for a good society or a good family. Talking about genuine intellectuals, Halle was blunt that university decrees without core moral values mean nothing. Halle noted that there are lots of challenges facing our society today, be they economic problems, social problems, and so on. He again reiterated that the real way out, is for us all to embrace core moral value. He rightly opined that the absence of core moral values accounts for misdeeds or crimes like corruption and embezzlement ruining our society.
Ntumfor Barrister Nico Halle expressed appreciation for the four awards he received on April 19, 2024, which brought the total number of awards that he has accepted and received to as many as 182. However, Nico Halle; the devoted Christian or servant of God, stated that what defines a man is not riches or the number of awards he received, but rather the spiritual impact he makes on the society. “You cannot succeed on earth if you do not stand on the platform of core moral values”, he stressed. Nico Halle reiterated that his biggest title on earth is, and will remain, Christian. “I attach a lot of importance to spiritual riches”, Halle asserted.

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