2025 Presidential Election: Gov’t Backtracks From Hardline And Reckless Position Against Declarations By Some Outspoken Catholic Bishops

Joe Dinga Pefok (Uncle Joe)January 9, 202511min1770
Biya 2

 Political scientist, Dr Aristide Mono, like many political observers, think that Gov’t has backtracked because of strong opposition  

The Government Statement in its entirety  

The Minister of Communication, Rene Emmanuel Sadi, who doubles as the Government Spokesperson, on Tuesday, January 7, 2025, issued a two- page release, which was Government’s official reaction to the declarations made by some outspoken Bishops of the Roman Catholic Church in Cameroon, against the possible candidacy of 92 year old President Biya, for the 2025 presidential election. It should be noted that President Biya has been in power for 42 years, that is, for over four decades.

Meanwhile, initially, very hostile and intimidating reactions came from some overzealous members of the regime and their hired agents, against the Men – of – God.  But the Government definitely realized that Bishops were not people that could be scared with threat of ‘Moulinex’, blackmail and defamation. Instead, the attack against the Bishops, who were initially three, backfired, as more Priests joined their three colleagues. More so, the indignant Bishops started expanding the topics of their criticisms in relationship to the 2025 presidential election.  For example, the Bishop of Bafang, Mgr Abraham Kome, in his outing the other day, moved from the issue of President Biya’s much advanced age, to talk about the bad Electoral System Cameroon, that he asserted cannot ensure a free, fair and transparent elections, to enable the Cameroonian people to choose the leaders they want.  The Government should have become more worried with the way things were going.

Part Of President Biya’s Message That Made Cameroonian Go Mad With Indignation        

Meanwhile, it should be noted that what sent many Cameroonians mad with rage in President Biya’s New Year Message To The Nation, was the insinuation that he still wanted to continue as President: ”I CAN ASSURE YOU THAT MY RESOLVE TO SERVE REMAINS STEADFAST, AMD GROWS STRONGER BY THE DAY, AS WE ADDRESS THE IMMENSE CHALLENGES FACING US”. It was understood by many Cameroonians at home and abroad, that the  92 year old President Paul Biya, who has been in power for as long as 42 years, and whose Government has brought the country to its knees by bad governance, intends to still hang on to power by being a candidate in  the 2025 presidential election.

Cameroonians also found it difficult to understand President Biya in the preceding paragraph, when he said: “I particularly appreciate the unwavering and massive support that you have always given me over the years. It is this unwavering trust that has inspired my tireless efforts to meet your aspirations. Your trust is both an honour and a compass for my actions in steering our beloved and beautiful country”. Come to think of it, that President Biya talks of “Unwavering And Massive Support That you have Always Given Me’, “Unwavering Trust”, “ My Tireless Efforts To Meet Your Aspirations”. Hmmmmmmm!

Gov’t Spokesman Insist President Biya Was Misunderstood

Meanwhile the Minister of Communication and Government Spokesperson, Rene Emmanuel Sadi, in the Government Statement he issued on January 7, 2025, gave the impression that Cameroonians Including the Bishops, misinterpreted, misunderstood or wrongly speculated on part of President Biya’s message.  He insisted that President Biya did not anywhere in the message, indicate whether or not he will be a candidate at the 2025 presidential election.

But then, when a President who is barely a few months to the end of his mandate, tells the people that his resolve to serve remains steadfast and grows stronger by the day, how do Ministers Sadi expects people to understand it? That statement came close to the end of President Biya’s message to the nation, and it looks like the statement was designed to test public reaction, on the very controversial issue of a possible candidacy of the 92 year old President Biya, at the 2025 presidential election.

The Government Simply Backtracked  

However, a Political Scientists, Dr Aristide Mono, who talked to Equinoxe Tv on Wednesday, January 8, 2025, like most political observers across the country, are of the view that the Government backtracked   on what President Biya said and meant, following the strong opposition to the candidacy of the 92 year   President, for the 2025 presidential election. Even members of the CPDM Government and party, including the Communication Officers of the party, initially understood President Biya’s statement, as regard his possible candidacy at the 2025 presidential election, like other Cameroonians.

The National Secretary for Communication of the ruling CPDM, Prof Jacques Fame Ndongo, who is also Minister of Higher Education, in a release  following  the criticisms by the Bishops of the possible candidacy of President Biya at the 2025 presidential election, did not say that the President was misunderstood. He rather repeated the CPDM song that the National President of party is the party’s natural presidential candidate, and how it is President Biya’s Constitutional right to run again for office of President of the Republic, because the Constitution does not set a maximum age limit for a presidential candidate. This was the line that all Communication Officers of the CPDM across the country, followed.

Even when the Deputy Secretary of the CPDM, Gregoire Owona, who is also Minister of Labour and Social Security, came out in his first reaction to the Bishops’ declarations, he did not say that they misunderstood or misinterpreted what President Biya said or meant. He rather accused the Bishops of getting involved in politics. It was a number of days later, that he started saying that what the President said was misunderstood or misinterpreted.  Also, after President Biya’s message to the nation, the Minister of Public Health, Dr Manouada Malachie, in a tweet rejoiced that President Biya had confirmed his candidature for the 2025 presidential election.


.                                             GOVERNMENT STATEMENT


During the past few days, more specifically following the Head of State’s end –of –year message to the nation, we have been witness to various reactions on the mainstream and social media from our fellow citizens, including those of some prelates of the Catholic Church, in relation to this year’s presidential election.

While recognizing the right of all to freely express their opinions, within the ambit of the Laws of the Republic, the Government deeply deplores the vehemence of some declarations focused solely on the presidential stakes, and based on a misleading and inaccurate interpretation of the words of the President of the Republic.

In this regard, it should be recalled that the President of the Republic has been vested with a seven – year mandate, which will run out in a few months. As such, it is entirely up to him to reassure his fellow citizens of his determination to fully assume it, with the same enthusiasm and commitment.

Moreover, the Government wishes to point out that Cameroon is a secular state where religions co – exist in harmony and maintain  peaceful relations with public authorities .This therefore implies that there is no conflict between religious denominations, in this case the Catholic Church.

In the same vein, the Government reaffirms that Cameroon is a democratic State that respects the rule of Law, where citizens, whoever they may be, can freely express themselves and make known their points of view on major issues of the nation.

As a matter of fact, the Government considers that the clear – cut declaration made by some religious authorities on the upcoming presidential election, which smack of pure speculation, are the sole responsibility of those authorities, and can in no way call into question the relationship between the State and religious denominations, nor influence the free choice of Cameroonians, who will, when the time comes, make up their minds in all souvereignty and responsibility.

By the way, with regard to his possible candidacy for the Presidency of the Republic, President Paul Biya has clearly stated before, that, at the appropriate time, he will disclose whether or not he will be seeking re-election.

As of now, any controversy on this issue is unnecessary.

The Government therefore invites everyone to stick to this answer, while urging all those who aspire to the presidential office, to prepare themselves, in the best possible way, to take part in this election. The Government is closely working with the competent structures to ensure that this election is organized in a serene, transparent and peaceful atmosphere.

The Minister of Communication

Government Spokesperson

Rene Emmanuel SADI



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